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Turn off tetrapol radio

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The Project is on time, on budget and extremely reliable. The French Police Nationale network so call ACROPOL delivers today voice/data end to end encrypted communications to 75 per cent of the Police Nationale forces (Public security, criminal police, intelligence, prefectoral authorities, special branch.). Richard Lambley writes in the independent Land Mobile magazine, April 2001 on Rubis, the world�s largest secure digital mobile network (cost, timeline etc.). Tetrapol connects international forces for G8 Summit security RUBIS Where in the world TETRAPOL is being used and why Interoperability (PowerPoint presentation)Ī presentation on success of Tetrapol in Europe, with a focus on Switzerland TETRAPOL in Spain, Airwave in UK: compare performance and cost. TETRAPOL has gone down well on the Czech Republic as well as in France, Germany and Spain.

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